Maintenance Optimisation
FMEA/RCM studies are a systematic in-depth study of an entire factory/complex, a system or an individual piece of equipment and are used to create a maintenance strategy by determining modes of failure and the tasks that could identify or mitigate those failure modes.
As part of our facilitation of an FMEA/RCM study, we have developed a tool to guide you through the process.
An RCM study is an in-depth process that requires multidiscipline members of organisations to work together.
When done correctly, it will enhance Maintenance strategies and ensure you are doing the correct Maintenance at the correct frequency resulting in a more reliable plant.
Our Tool - The Process
☑Data Input
Once a hierarchy or Asset list has been uploaded to the tool each system, if not already existing will have a function written for it.

☑Asset Input
If a Hierarchy is not available, then assets can be quickly added to a system.

☑Failure Details
Components are then created & linked to the asset for the required traceability.
A series of questions are asked to determine the failed part, failure mechanism, cause of failure, failure mode, probability of failure, the consequence of failure and importantly identifying hidden failures.

☑Consequence Scoring
Categories and statements can be easily modified to suit your preferences.

☑Tasks Assigned
Tasks can be created and linked individually to each item, these tasks can be anything from assigning a PM or condition monitoring to check the availability of spare parts. Tasks can be assigned to individuals if required.

☑Spare Parts
A spare part decision is made for each item.

☑Progress Reports
Progress reports are automatically updated and quickly produced helping all participants keep on track.

Contact us today
IDP Maintenance Solutions Ltd
Wirral, United Kingdom
+44 (0) 7535 292 102
+44 (0) 7983 476 861
+44 (0) 151 346 2096